Let this be a Moment of Remembering

Let this be a moment of remembering
The first time I met you
As you ran and played, you kept coming back to me
As if to ask, “Will you be my mama?”

Let this be a moment of remembering
The bark you had when “intruders” invaded
And you met your human brother and sister for the first time
They surprised by you and you surprised by them

Let this be a moment of remembering
The laughter you sparked
As you herded the swingset in the backyard
With utter conviction you could tame it

Let this be a moment of remembering
All the butter wrappers we found on the floor
As you stole your favorite treat off the counter
Your preference for butter over beef clear

Let this be a moment of remembering
Your comfort and soft kisses
When my world fell apart
Your love keeping me going

Let this be a moment of remembering
Your fear as you thought we would leave you
Your refusal to leave the U-Haul
So you wouldn’t be left behind

Let this be a moment of remembering
Your happiness in your new yard
Your joy in knowing your family was always there for you
Our joy in snuggles and love

Let this be a moment of remembering
Our fear that last morning
The gentleness with which you said goodbye
Your last act of agency to lay in the sun as your heart stopped

Let this be a moment of remembering
Every Valentine’s Day when we celebrate
Your birthday and your love
As you live your next life over the rainbow bridge

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