Movie Review: My Sister’s Keeper

Anna Fitzgerald’s parents had her in order to save her older sister, Kate, who was dying of cancer. Kate’s cancer impacted the entire family as their world revolved around keeping her alive. Howev er, when Anna was 11 and Kate 14 or 15, Kate relapsed and needed a kidney transplant. Their mother assumed that Anna would willingly give her kidney, but Anna took her parents to court and asked for medical emancipation. As the story unfolded, we learned that Kate had asked Anna to fight to not give her kidney as she was ready to die. Ultimately, Kate died before the court decided the case, although we learned in the final scenes that Anna had won her medical emancipation.

This is a story of grief, sadness, loss and longing, but ultimately it is a story of live. It is the love Anna has for her sister in helping save her and in going against her parents wishes to help Anna die. It is the love that their mother has for both of them. And at the end of the day, it is the love that carries them. The love that they all have for each other helps them let go of Kate.

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