Podcast Review: All There is With Anderson Cooper

Link: All There is with Anderson Cooper

In the last episode of this podcast, Anderson played voicemails from people who shared their grief with him and one of these voicemails was from a mother who said she shared her grief because it was a way to help other people and that it was like headlights in a white out storm. That sums up this podcast overall because as Anderson puts himself out there he serves as a light in the darkness for others.

This amazing podcast isn’t full of shoulds and shouldn’ts, but simply provides stories and lessons from people famous and not so famous who have lost people they loved. Some of the more famous are Ashley Judd, who lost her mom to suicide, and Joe Biden, who lost his first wife and daughter when his sons were younger and who lost his son to brain cancer. This podcast doesn’t shy away from the hard stuff like death by suicide and the death of people who were difficult.

I also like that most of the podcasts are less than 40 minutes, which are long enough to make you care about the story, but not so long as to be hard to listen to.

A note about podcast reviews: In reviewing podcasts, I cannot say that I have listened to all episodes, but I have listened to at least three episodes in order to write a good review.

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